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- Wellness Hub
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- Wellness Hub
- Team + Diffuse
- Health Box
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- recorded class
- Biz Opp & Support
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- Wellness Hub
- Team + Diffuse
- Health Box
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- recorded class
- Biz Opp & Support

Family, Faith, and Community
Family & Faith
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
One thing we all have in common is that we love one another no matter what.
We work hard so we can play harder. Connecting over music, travel, front porch life, coffee or
maybe a glass of wine, just doing life.
Most people would say I am a little bit hippie, quiet by nature, and a thinker over a talker.
My heart is to always to make people feel welcome in my home, safe, loved & heard. I am a villager by nature. I love to say everyone in the boat, no matter your baggage, we will strive for our best self through all the hard things, good things with kindness & respect My top 5 strengths: Nothing fancy but I have come to appreciate them.
1. Restorative
2. Connectedness
3. Individulation
4. Learner
5. Harmony
Living & Loving the FULL Life
Like I mentioned above,,,, I am a villager by nature. I am always stronger with good people beside me. Making memories and embracing life. Being grateful for each day.
I believe God knows where we are going. Life is what molds us and I am a firm believer to let the highs & lows form us. Give JOY to all events, even when hard. Show up to God as my balancer and let everything else flow from there. Truthtelling is a must do, learning more of what others know and what life input they have to share - I find this to be the best part of being a friend. AND a must... is an ALWAYS BE KIND.
SOUL TAPPING - What molds us.
mind, body & soul
Do you believe essential oils can increase your living vibrations?
A lesson I have learned along the way with essential oils. Always listen to your innver voice. I have found over the years of using essential oils, that I am actully more intune with my inner voice. I didnt believe in this true emotional aspect of essential oils, until I actully experienced this myself. t
try this simple litte oil protocol in the AM - Open your mind and Quiet your Soul.
I believe in the power of pray (us chatting with God) +
I believe in mediation (us listening to what God wants us to know)
- Do a wake up session - Greet the sunrise outsie - the natural early morning light is Gods natural red light therapy and it is FREE.
- Plant your bare feet onto the direct ground /earth for at least 10 mintues,
- take in the fresh air. Deep breathe quickly x 10 / relax,,, breathe easy and repeat x 3. Let the air blow deep in your lungs and expand your chest.
- Measure your day from head to toe for your daily check in with your Soul. Is it a better day?
- How are you feeling in your elements... mind body soul.
- Assign it a number 0 not so good -5 amazingly good. Write it down & date it.
- Reduce sugar intake, drink 1/2 your body weight in purified water, get 10,000 steps daily, weight train 2 days a week.
- Dinner completed by sundown
- Bed approixmaley 3 hours after sunset.
SOUL TAPPING - What molds us.
mind, body & soul
My family is the poeple God has given me over time. My heart family
10 things to share about me
1. Grew up in a single mom home with a good mother
2. Blessed to have foster parents at the age of 15. They anchored me into so much goodness in life.
3. Married now for over 30 years... craziness but good and
4. My Maiden Name is Harmon & my Married Name is Harmon. LOL
Birth Cerficate Harmon - Blood Trumbla for anyone that would care.
5. Nurse for +almost 30 yeas... OMG;
6. I do not like mornings but am always trying to fall in great love with the SUNRISE
7. I do not drink soda pop,, but i do drink beer lol
8. I love how music can shift the soul in so many ways
9. I love a great conversation
10. I never want to dissapoint or leave a person feeling hurt or disrespected... just not in my DNA
+ 1 more.. GOD is the balancer of life & waymaker & peaceful soul. JOY J.esus O.thers Y.ou
My Committment To You
What you can expect from ME and our wellness community.
We are committed to serving you, to help guide you to trust your body as you learn how to shift into this wellness space. To make the shifts from what society is selling us all to what God intended us to embrace. .
Saving time & money is important.
Not only will you get the best, purest essential oils and selfcare products avaialbale worldwide into your home, but you will also get access to our community of like minded - hearted souls.
Questions or Comments?
You will be contacted within 24 hours.
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