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- Wellness Hub
- Team + Diffuse
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- Biz Opp & Support
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- Wellness Hub
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Adaptiv System Challenge
for emotional health and mental wellness
Grab your workbook here to follow along with the daily checklists and activities to keep you on track to Emotional Wellness and working with Adaptiv and other tools for your daily routine.
Check back each day for both daily prompts and be sure to leave a comment in the Contact Form when you're done!POST #1.1 - WELCOME INFO AND WELLNESS ASSESSMENT
Welcome to the 10 day Adaptiv Emotional Wellness Challenge. I am SO glad you’re here! One of the most important things in any journey is a starting and ending point. Although your doTERRA journey will never be totally over, we want to establish a base point and give you some framework to measure your progress with this challenge. Please turn to page 5 in your workbook and fill out the Wellness Assessment at the top of the page. Be sure to leave the bottom one blank (it’s identical) and we will come back to that one on day 10. Every day during this challenge, we are going to provide you with some choices for your daily activity. Every day there will be a journal prompt, a meditation, or a positive affirmation. Please choose one to complete for the day. Feel free to make some notes about how you felt completing the exercise in the notes section on your daily checklists (find these on pages 6-15 of your workbook). We can't wait to share this amazing info with you over the coming days!
DAILY MEDITATION SUGGESTION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xdwr4cRTVA
DAILY JOURNAL PROMPT SUGGESTION: Describe a person or thing that cheers you up when feeling down. Why does this make you happy? Describe the feelings you sense in your body when you are happy.
DAILY AFFIRMATION STATEMENT: I Love Myself For Who I Am, I Don’t Need To Change To Be Loved Or Love Myself. (Write this on a post-it and post somewhere you will see it frequently throughout the day.) Negative thinking can rapidly turn into negative self-talk. You might look in the mirror and think you aren’t good-looking enough, smart enough, friendly enough, or any other “enough” self-description. Instead of focusing on what you think isn’t good enough, focus on loving yourself for who you are right now. Yes, you might plan to improve your appearance, lose weight, make more friends, take classes, and so on, but you need to love yourself regardless of your current circumstances for any of it to make a difference in how you feel.
We are getting ready to wrap up day one. Let’s just recap so we can all be on the same page as we continue to move forward in the challenge. Today you should have completed:
- All of the items on your day one checklist
- Drank at least 8 full cups of water
- Completed your daily journal, affirmation statement, or meditation
- Completed your day one wellness assessment
Every day going forward you will have a fresh daily checklist to use. Keep those handy so you don't slip out of your new routine. The checklist, water consumption, and daily mental wellness suggestions will be a part of every day. How are you feeling so far after day one? Excited for what’s to come?
Questions or Comments?
Please complete the Wellness Survery and You will be contacted within 72 hours.
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La Porte Indiana 46350
United States(219) 575-3337
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