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a guide for using oils for the detox
for support you in going deeper …
I’m so excited to have you join us for our upcoming GLOW Detox!!
While essential oils are optional in this program - you may be ready to go deeper in your cleansing + lifestyle support with them.
I created this simple page to guide you in which oils you will find great benefit in for our cleanse week and in routines going forward.
When you open up a doTERRA customer account, you will be prompted to select a kit to begin with.
The kits are a smart way to start because the oils are not only bundled at a reduced price, but you will also have wholesale pricing access for a full year whenever you want to purchase. Please know there are no monthly minimums or other obligations - you simply order whenever you want at 25% off.
I’ve created this special GLOW kit for you as the best way to start if you’re planning to also do the detox!Click Here to purchase from US
Click Here to purchase from CanadaHow to use this kit:
This has different benefits in your water than fresh squeezed lemon juice. Both are great and I encourage you to alternate them throughout the day. Add 2 drops of lemon oil to your large glass of water 1-2x a day. Add 2 drops to your cleaning cloth + your dishtowels at the end of the day to say goodnight to your kitchen. This is beautiful on it’s own in your diffuser as 3 drops, or add it to lavender + peppermint (2 drops of each) to clear your body’s allergic response as the spring weather changes. Add 1 drop of lemon oil to your fresh juices + smoothies!
GINGER: Add 1 drop to a large glass of water with 1/2 lemon squeezed. Drink each morning as a cleansing tonic. Ginger is also great for nausea or stomach upset. You can massage 2 drops into your stomach area with some carrier oil. And in cooking! Check out my free cooking kit of recipes that use the oils here.
You’ll use this in your detox bath, in your skin oil cleansing and to help with sleep at night. For the bath - add 5 drops to a drizzle of olive oil and run the water over your hand as it fills the tub. Also add 2 cups Epsom salts + 1/2 c baking soda to the water. Soak for 20 min. For sleep: run your diffuser near your bed 30 min before you crawl in. Lavender on its own is beautiful - I also love to combine it with Easy Air (2 drops of each). Smells like a spa and you’ll sleep like a baby! One more use will be for cleansing + nourishing your skin. Add 1 drop to olive oil and massage into dry skin. Make a beautiful face oil for after cleaning by adding 2 drops to a tbsp of Argan or Jojoba oil and massage into face and with upward strokes on neck + chest.
You’ll love this for instant energy, for digestive issues and any detox headaches you experience. It works within about 30 seconds. For headaches: add 2 drops to your palm and then use your index finger to dip into it and massage into your temples (stay away from your eyes). If you experience any bloating or tummy aches - add 2 drops to a glass of water and drink. You can also massage 2 drops peppermint + 1 drop Frankincense with a little olive oil into your stomach area. For an energetic experience: add 1 drop to your hand and give it a little lick with your tongue and then rub hands together and deeply inhale for 3 breaths. You’ll want to add 1 drop of this to your coconut oil for your morning Oil Pulling ritual. You’ll also love a drop of this blended into your Nightcap Latte!
If you need to get things ‘moving’ during cleanse week, do the peppermint in a glass of water that I mentioned above and then massage 3 drops of this with some olive or coconut oil into your stomach in a clockwise direction. Apply a warm towel over top and relax for a few minutes.
One of the simplest ways to clean your home and reduce your toxic load! To a 16oz glass spray bottle: add 2 tbsp of this concentrate, 10 drops of peppermint and 10 drops of lemon. Top up with water and spray to clean all the things!
This comes with 2 pumps and enough solution for both. Keep one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen for cleaning hands. In the kitchen you can use a pump of this in a bowl filled with water and a few drops of lemon to soak your produce. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse + enjoy!
⏰ You will want to open up your doTERRA customer account + make your oil selections at least 4 business days
before our detox begins, to ensure they arrive to you in time.Some other oils + products to consider:
These are a few doTERRA products I could not live without - they’re super clean + effective.
You can add these to your cart at the 25% off price:The natural deodorant (also comes in baking soda free)
The Verage skin care system (glowwwwing skin with this!)
The OnGuard toothpaste + OG Mouthwash
The LifeLong Vitality Supplements - an amazing nutritional system for higher energy, glowing skin, stronger hair + nails, less pain etc.
Terrazyme supplements - digestive enzymes to take with meals to help all your nutrients digest, absorb + pass through the body effectively
METABOLIC BLEND: A stimulating blend to massage into body with come lotion after dry skin brushing/shower. It feels sooooo good and works to help release trapped fat.
AROMA TOUCH BLEND: brilliant blend to massage into achy areas or as a back massage.
ZENDOCRINE: Massage 2 drops above stomach area for daily liver support. Could also use Celery Seed oils for this
JUNIPER BERRY + ROSEMARY: 2 drops each for detox bath.
Could also use 5 drops AromaTouch Blend for thisTURMERIC: for add 1 drop to nightcap latte or crockpot of chaga tea
CELERY SEED: super high in antioxidants + boosts digestive and liver health.
Brilliant to add to your fresh juices!I have other doTERRA products + health tools and grocery items to consider having for the detox over in the Detox Shop
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